We could all benefit from some additional time, particularly given the busy lives we are all living. Washing clothes is probably the last thing you would consider when seeking to become more efficient.
Now I hear you saying, can’t I just throw all my clothes in the machine, add some washing detergent and walk away. Yes, you could and that would be efficient, but I question the effectiveness.
Are your clothes actually clean, free of those nasty bacteria that thrive in today’s fabrics? I actually doubt it, in fact your clothes are more than likely now covered with a fragrance that has simply coated your clothes, pretending to have cleaned them.
This coating of detergent and fragrance continues to build and build with every wash.
I spent a lot of time washing clothes!
Working during the week, training and not being prepared to compromise on family time meant that washing clothes was the last thing I wanted to do.
I would much rather be outdoors, spending time with my boys and exercising.
I’m a pretty self conscious person and as a heavy sweater, I went to a lot of effort to ensure my clothes, especially my business shirts were washed each weekend in readiness for the following week.

Normally I would fill the laundry trough using napisan and hot water, but if I missed a week, I would resort to using the bath tub, yep a mega wash.
With the laundry trough or bath filled, I would then scrub the underarms to try and breakdown the deodorant and freshen up my shirts. I would then leave my clothes soaking for a couple of hours.
Apart from the time this took, the washing process was a pain, my hands were left really dry and the now dissolved powder had a toxic burning smell about it. All the same, I persisted with this routine for many years, I hate to think how much time I wasted washing clothes. Did I mention dry skin and eczema?
When I wasn’t able to provide the royal treatment to my shirts, my wife would use her go to method. This using a pre-treatment spray which she applied before washing the clothes, 5 quick sprays under each arm.

In both cases, we were using at least 2 washing detergents, sometimes 3, a powdered oxi-action powder or a pre-treatment spray and finally a washing detergent. Apart from the time involved, consider for a moment the cost of the various products used, let alone the cost of your own time.
I have created a simple table below to demonstrate the cost of multi product washing. Zeroda removes the need for these products by simply using quality ingredients.
So what was the result?
My shirts were certainly cleaner than if I had simply thrown them into the washing machine with a generic detergent. But I found my shirts faded, the fabric started to fray and over time they became really stiff. Eventually, I would have no choice but to throw them out.
I was wasting clothes, money and time.

In developing Zeroda Sports Wash, I had numerous discussions with colleagues at work, family and friends. Each had their own methods for washing clothes with varying degrees of success.
But the single common denominator in washing clothes was that they always used some sort of a bleach or pre-treatment, followed by a detergent used in the washing machine.
Everyone wanted a fast effective way of cleaning their clothes, one that didn’t compromise the performance or quality of their clothing and was easy to use.
Can Zeroda be used on everyday clothes?

This is a question we have been asked a lot since launching Zeroda Sports Wash and the answer is absolutly YES.
Zeroda is safe for all your clothes, even your delicates and the reason is simple. We avoid the harsh chemicals and don’t rely on fragrances to try and make your clothes smell clean.
Zeroda Sports Wash is a washing detergent in its own right, you don’t use it with your existing washing powder or fabric softeners, you use Zeroda only.
We genuinely care about the environment, that’s why Zeroda Sports Wash is a 6x concentrate. You require only 12ml (2 teaspoons) per wash delivered by our no mess cap. Using quality ingredients that work makes sense, you can read more about them here.
Zeroda Sports Wash was initially developed to clean our stinky activewear. But we soon realised it was better than any other washing detergent we had. Zeroda is now the only product we use for all our washing.
By using Zeroda, you will notice an immediate difference in your clothes. You will also save time in washing and gain back some valuable space in your laundry cupboard. More importantly, you will get back some time to exercise and spend time on the things that really count.

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