Can Zeroda Be Used on Everyday Clothes?

This is a question we have been asked a lot since launching Zeroda Sports Wash and the answer is absolutely YES. It works great on all your clothes so you can save water and complete a mixed wash load.

Do I Use Zeroda In Addition To Or Instead Of My Washing Powder?

Zeroda Sports Wash is a washing detergent in its own right, you don’t use it with your existing washing powder or fabric softener, you use Zeroda Sports Wash ONLY. Think of all space you will have in your laundry cupboard.

How Do I Use Zeroda Sports Wash?

Turn your clotehs inside out and don’t over fill your washing machine. Whilst we have found Zeroda Sports Wash works well in cold water, best results occur in warm water (no more than 30 degrees). Use our No Mess Cap by lightly squeezing the bottle.  The flow will stop* close to the 12ml recommenced dose.

*if you squeeze super hard, then you are likely to use more than 12ml.